This article was published in the ProLandscaper August 2021 edition.
Here Karen talks about the origins of the Karen Mclure Garden Design brand and why she loves horticulture.
The article that was written is as below:
Little did I know, all those years ago, that my parents’ love for their garden – including my dad’s ‘back of a fag packet’ designs! – and my obsession with creating an eccentric collection of plant scrap books would lead to running a thriving garden design studio today. My practice brings together a creative and talented team, with a focus on establishing strong and lasting relationships with clients and landscapers, as well as forming friendships with colleagues in our inspiring and supportive industry. From what started as a passionate hobby, my father encouraged me to “live for today”. With his words in mind, I bravely ditched the day job working in the city and followed my dream. Sadly, he left the world way too early, but his words of wisdom are with me every day and are at the core of my business.
My love of horticulture led me to further my educational journey by studying my RHS exams at Hadlow College and garden design at the Museum of Garden History. With the support of the various affiliations with the SGD, APL and BALI, I have gained accreditation and regularly keep pace with changes in the horticultural world through seminars, workshops and love learning from other designers, horticulturists and industry specialists.
What started out as a passion for horticulture has also gone on to teach me so much more than just plants and design. My personal development is expanding in all manner of ways, providing me with the opportunity to continually progress and learn; from business coaching, learning how to think like an entrepreneur, adopting a flexible mindset when things don’t go as planned, not to mention develop resilience and determination to deal with the daily challenges of a growing business – all of which stems from a passion for horticulture!
The variety of our projects is delightfully vast – from small planting plans to dramatic landscape transformations. It never fails to amaze or inspire me at how Mother Nature can create something so intricately beautiful from a teeny seed or cutting and it is a privilege sharing this with others on a daily basis.
To find your passion is one thing, but to build a business that indulges an infectious love for horticulture and plants is something I will never take for granted!