Where it all Began


Like many, Karen went to school but she didn’t like it. She felt she didn’t thrive because she didn’t know what she wanted to do – she hadn’t found her ‘thing’. Karen looked at various different options and ended up drifting into a city job - something that paid the bills, but it never really excited or inspired her. 

Before becoming the award-winning garden designer we know today, Karen was an Executive Assistant at American corporate, Goldmans Sachs – a company that expected rigorously high standards and professionalism, but, as it transpires, her time there would teach her qualities and skills that would stand her in good stead in her future of being a successful business owner.

It was her parents’ love for their garden – including her dad’s ‘back of a fag packet’ designs! – and her obsession with her eccentric collection of plant scrap books, that would lead to running a thriving garden design studio today. From what started as a passionate hobby, Karen’s father encouraged her to “live for today”.  Sadly, her Father left the world way too early, but his words of wisdom are with her every day and would be pivotal in the decision that Karen took to study her RHS exams and then Garden Design at the Museum of Garden History – all whilst managing her job and the arrival of twins! It was with her father’s wise words in her heart that she finally ditched the day job and followed her dreams.

Since then, with the support of the various affiliations with the SGD, APL and BALI, Karen has gained accreditation with all three and regularly keeps pace with changes in the horticultural world through seminars and workshops. Karen loves learning from other designers, horticulturists and industry specialists and encourages her team to do the same.

What started out as a passion has also gone on to teach her so much more than just plants and design. Karen’s journey of personal development is continually expanding, providing her with the opportunity to constantly progress and learn; from business coaching and mentoring, learning how to think like an entrepreneur, adopting a flexible mindset when things don’t go as planned, not to mention develop resilience and determination to deal with the daily challenges of a growing business! Karen can often be found plugged into one podcast or another, gleaning the advice and experiences of other like-minded entrepreneurs!

Karen’s business mindset, coupled with her love of excellent design and horticulture, has resulted in the creation of a thriving, professional practice that brings together a creative and talented team. Their fundamental passion being to deliver an exceptional experience for the client, alongside their excellent designs. Karen constantly seeks alliance with landscapers, suppliers and contacts whose passion and enthusiasm align with her own and she always strives to ‘raise the bar’.